Natural Diet for Gaining Weight

natural diet for gain weight

Natural Diet for gaining weight The Weight requires a combination of  IQ,exercise, and in some cases medical treatment. You can start by eating more calories, increasing your plate size, and eating 3 wholesome meals and at least 2 snacks a day. Here are the main types of food to include in your diet to ensure healthy weight gain.

  1. Protein-Rich Food

    Natural Diet including protein helps build muscle mass. Rich sources of protein include soybean, fish, eggs , dairy products, nuts, or whey protein. Protein supplements are also available in the form of powders, which can be made into a shake with milk or protein bars. Protein supplements IQ are not replacements for healthy meals, however.

  2. Carbs and high-fat foods

    : Healthy foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates and high in fiber, such as bananas, oats, blueberries, sweet potatoes, cheese, and dark chocolates.


  3. Milk

    :Milk Drinking at least one glass of full-fat milk can help you gain weight as well as get important nutrients in your body, although you should avoid milk if you are lactose intolerant. Milk is a complete food because it is rich in all nutrients that are essential for our body. It is high in proteins, calcium, carbs, Fats, minerals, and vitamins. It is an excellent protein source that provides both casein and whey proteins. It can help you add muscle mass to your body. Try drinking two glasses of milk per day with a meal or before or after a workout.

  4. Rice

    Natural Diet including Rice is one of the convenient and cheap sources of carbohydrates that is essential to gain weight. Rice is also a calories from a single serving. One cup of rice provides about 200 calories that contribute to gain weight.

  5. Dried  fruits

    : Dried Fruits Consuming dried fruits can be beneficial for weight gain. This super-food contains various antioxidants, proteins, calories, and micro nutrients. All types of dried fruit have a naturally high sugar content that makes them great for gaining weight.

  6. Red meat

    : Red meat is a rich source of protein that helps to build your muscles and increase your weight. It contains leucine and creatine , nutrients that play a significant role in boosting muscle mass. Steak and other red meats contain both protein and fat, which promote weight gain.

  7. Whole grain Bread

    : The simple whole grain bread is a good source of carbs that will increase your weight. They can be a well – balanced meal when prepared with protein sources like eggs, meat, and cheese. The live good bacteria in sourdough feed bacteria in the gut that can strengthen your immune system.

  8. Avocados

    : Avocados are an excellent sources of fats, antioxidants, vitamin, and fibres. You can eat avocado in your main meal, sandwiches, and other dishes that are essential for weight gain.

  9. Whole Eggs

    : Whole eggs are the best option for your dietician for weight gain as they are full of proteins, calcium, and healthy fats. They are muscle building food that is available easily.

  10. Avoiding

    : Smoking also effects appetite in addition to several other body functions . Which can contribute to weight loss.

  11. Stress Management

    : For some people, stress can lead to weight loss and loss of appetite Try to manage your stress by practicing yoga, doing meditation or breathing excercises, and talking to a ment if needed.

  12. Exercise

    : Weight lifting helps you build muscle mass instead of accumulating unhealthy fat. Increase muscle mass can increase your body weight, improve your health, and tone your body. Since Excessive cardio will result in more weight loss, limit your cardio exercise 10 to 15 min. 3 times a week. You may also want to consult a health expert about but types of excercises are the most suitable for you and your needs.

  13. Dried fruit

    : Consuming dried fruits can be beneficial for weight gain. This super food contains various antioxidants, proteins, calories, and micronutrients. All types of dried fuit have a naturally high sugar content that makes them great for gainig weight. You can eat them raw or roasted as well as can add them in yogahurt, smoothie. A daily handful of dried fruits such as almonds, walnuts, and cashew are best for weight gain.

  14. Potatoes and Starch

    : Starch foods such as potatoes and corn are a famous, tasty option for quick weight gain. It is a cost effective option that provides extra calories that increase muscle glycogen stores. Many of these starchy foods have carb sources that also provide essential nutrients and fibre as well as resistant starch which can help nourish your gut bacteria.

  15. Weight Training

    : At least three times a week is essential to healthy weight gain. This will aid in gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass. These include weight lifts that involve multiple muscle groups, such as deadlifts, squats, and bench presses.




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