You want to become smarter and technologically Mobile Developer.Start basic to pro level training with the help of this course.Learn mobile app development for creating applications on iOS and Android
What is mobile app development?
Mobile application development is the process of creating software applications that run on Mobiles, tablets , on other devices most commonly used for the Android and iOS operating systems. It covers various topics which are useful for creating functional and user-friendly mobile applications.These include programming languages like objective c, java, swift and more.
Platforms for Mobile App Development
- Choose Operating System platform
- Android :- By Google
- iOS :- By Apple
For which of these do you require training?
Android App Development
iOS App Development
Other Hybrid App Development
For Android App Development
- Kotlin
- Java
- C#
- Dart
- React-Native
For iOS App Development
- Objective-C
- Swift
- Swift UI
Learn More About Languages
1.Languages in Android App Development :-
- Kotlin :- It is a popular choice for its easy to use and good features. Kotlin used to develop apps for both Android and iOS.
- Java :– Official language for developing Android apps. Java is used to build apps for the Android Play Store.
- Dart :- Dart is open-source, general object oriented language. For hybrid mobile applications and different types of syntax from other programming languages.You can also create TV’s applications and websites.
2. Languages in iOS App Development :-
- Objective C:- It is an objective-oriented and high level programming language.With the help of this we can create applications for macOS and iOS.Among programming languages it is easy to understand and it is also known for dynamic binding.
- Swift :- Apple’s official language for iOS app development, Swift is known for its modern syntax, safety features, and performance.It integrates well with Apple’s ecosystem and can be used for server applications.
- Swift UI :- Is a framework used to build applications for Apple Platforms like iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.Swift UI is a modern user interface for Apple platforms.
More Offers For Students
Students can do six month industrial training programs, and can help you gain practical experience.With this you can explore your ideas.
Earning Money: if you have unique and useful idea for mobile application for users, you can earn money either by paid application or by showing Ads in your app(like google ads)
- IT Company Job
- Product Based Company
- Government
- Work from home
- Freelance
- Training Center
Q1. Is Mobile App Development a Good Career?
Ans. Yes, Scope of Mobile App Development in India and Abroad.
Q2. Is Mobile App Development right for me?
Ans. If you enjoying your work technology, specially mobile phones app development may be an interesting career for you.
Q3. Who is eligible for Mobile App Development?
Ans. For Mobile App Development Courses you require graduation (high school diploma after 12th).
Q4. What is Hybrid App Development?
Ans. Hybrid app development can run on multiple platforms like Android and iOS and others. It is a single code base app development.